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Souls For Christ Ministries

Naples Florida, 34116 


Who we are...We are a thanksgiving offering unto Jesus Christ who poured out his life that many might have eternal life with our father in heaven. It is upon us to present to him our lives as gifts. Fruit that can honor his name and bring a pleasant joy to him when we appear at his throne with thanksgiving and love for our king, Jesus Christ forever, Amen! We are a body of people in partnership dedicated to serving Jesus and all of his children and we are one united in our efforts by his vision and love. As early as 1993 we began with True Vine Evangelism/Discipleship being used in Churches, Prisons, Rescue Missions, and Youth Outreaches to lead classes and spread the word of God. Since that time SFC has steadily worked for the Lord Jesus Christ praying for his will to be done. In 2006 and True Vine Evangelism/Discipleship teamed up with G.A.R.T.H. and SFC Music to form a new ministry S.O.U.L.S. For Christ and now diversified and branched out to include Evangelism, Discipleship, Addiction Recovery, music, preaching/teaching, and social on-line Ministries where we can reach more souls and help others in need more than ever before! May the Lord Jesus Christ forever be glorified! Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise!!!

Proverbs 29:18 " Where there is no vision the people perish." With a vision from the Lord we know exactly what to do and where to go. With faith in God all things are possible and all things for his glory. At S.O.U.L.S. For Christ Ministries we have this vision. Distribution of his love throughout the areas he has laid before us. We have been given a great vision from the Lord that will take the gospel to the world, that will feed, gather, carry, and lead all who are called to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the glory of God. We are searching out unreached lost souls (S.O.U.L.S.) because Jesus is not willing that any should perish. It was his primary mission, "To seek and save that which is lost." Mathew 18:11 Within this vision God has placed it on our hearts to start ministries of recovery and restoration called G.A.R.T.H. Gathering All Redeemed To Him and The True Vine Evangelism/Discipleship Ministry. Together these three ministries focus on searching out, restoring, and teaching others to do the work of God while living a life that is positive and free from the bondage of sin. These three are one. They desire to fulfill the great commission, highlighting the truth about Jesus and his plan to set captives free. SFC is about Serving others and training disciples to reach out to the hurting and needy thereby bringing forth fruit that remains.




















SFC Mission Statement



Our Mission is to go after the lost until we find them. We strive to take lost and hurting souls that are perishing and gather them together and feed them, carry them, and lead them into the arms of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. We acknowledge that only by Jesus can a soul enter into the kingdom of God and we strive to spread his message of love (While you were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly) into the world and make a difference. Utilizing every resource available to us, we will press forward with this mission unto the return of our Savior. It is by his voice we are called and by his grace that we are sent. May all glory, honor, and praise be unto Jesus Christ forever Amen!

With this introduction we are excited to continue his work and look forward to the coming days wherein we shall see the glory of God!


What We Believe:


1.  In one God, The Trinity, consisting of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

2.  That all sixty six books of the Holy Bible are given by Gods inspiration and contain all truth necessary to faith in God and the Christian life.

3.  In full dependence upon the Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding of scripture.

4.  That man is born into sin with a fallen nature, and is, therefore inclined to evil apart from Christ, and without having received Jesus into their life, (being born again of the spirit of God) are eternally lost.

5.  That the atonement through Jesus Christ is the final and only atonement for mans sin and that atonements is available to the whole human race, and that whosoever repents of their sin, confessing with their mouth and believing in their hear that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him form the dead shall be saved from this lost state of condemnation.

6. That you must be baptized in Christ death and resurrection and you must be at the age of accountability having a full understanding of this Baptism.

7.  You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God.

8.  That the Lord Jesus Christ will return and the dead in Christ will be raised, and that final judgment will take place.

9.  That all those who are in Christ will be taken up to meet Him in the sky to live with Him for eternity.

10.  That the kingdom of God is the final destination and the resting place in which the Bride (Church) is united with the Bridegroom (Christ Jesus) for eternity.










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